How to Collapse Gopher Tunnels? (Step By Step)

Collapsing gopher tunnels is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it prevents damage to landscapes, gardens, and farmland, preserving the integrity of the soil structure. Secondly, it helps control gopher populations, which can become invasive and harm native ecosystems. 

Lastly, collapsed tunnels reduce hazards for humans and livestock by preventing accidental falls and injuries. By addressing these issues, collapsing gopher tunnels maintain a balanced environment and promote safety for both humans and wildlife. Check out my detailed step by step guide on how to collapse gopher tunnels.

How to collapse gopher tunnels? Complete Guide

How to collapse gopher tunnels?

The easiest way to collapse gopher tunnels is by combining simple tools and techniques. First, locate the tunnel openings, which appear as mounds of dirt. Next, use a sturdy rod or a long screwdriver to poke holes into the tunnel’s roof at several points. 

Finally, step firmly on the weakened areas or use a shovel to compact the soil, effectively collapsing the tunnels. This method is cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and requires minimal effort, making it an accessible solution for homeowners and landowners alike.

1. Filling with Soil/Dirt

Gopher tunnels are a common problem in many parts of the country. These pests can destroy your lawn and garden and damage your home’s foundation. Luckily, there are several ways to eliminate gophers and keep them from returning. One method is to fill their tunnels with soil or dirt so they cannot return through them again.

Filling with Soil or Dirt

To do this effectively, you will need:

  • A shovel (or other digging tool)
  • Shovelfuls of dirt/soil

2. Using Feet/Heel of Your Boot

To collapse a gopher tunnel, you need to use the heel of your boot. The heel will create enough pressure to collapse the tunnel and kill any gophers.

There are several ways that you can do this:

  • Place one foot on top of the other, then step down hard with both feet together (like jumping jacks). This will cause enough force for them to collapse their tunnels in just one step!
  • Or try using two separate boots instead–one for each foot–and stomping down on them at once with all four pounds’ worth of weight behind it!
  • If neither method works for you, try getting creative by adding extra weight or using different types of footwear such as work boots or snowshoes; whatever gets results is fine here because we’re trying hard not only because we want our lawn back but also because those little critters deserve justice too!

3. Using Explosive

  • Gathering the materials
  • The process of using explosive
  • Tips and tricks for successful explosive use

4. Using Spade

To begin, you will need to gather the materials. The first thing you will want to do is find a gopher tunnel. You can do this by looking for holes in your lawn or digging up soil that looks like it has been disturbed recently. Once you have found a tunnel, take out a spade and begin digging around its entrance until it opens into an underground maze of tunnels (this may take some time). 

Using Spade

Next, place one foot inside of each hole and walk along until they all lead back into one large chamber with no exit points from which gophers could escape from their burrow if they were trying to get away from predators such as snakes or foxes who might be hunting them down for food!

How do you flatten a gopher hole?

Flattening a gopher hole involves a few simple steps to effectively collapse the tunnel and prevent gophers from causing further damage to your yard. First, locate the gopher hole by identifying soil or disturbed ground mounds. Next, use a shovel or spade to excavate the soil around the hole’s entrance, revealing the tunnel system beneath.

Once the hole is exposed, you can collapse the tunnel using one of these methods:

  1. Fill the hole with soil or dirt, compacting it well to ensure the tunnel fully collapses.
  2. Use your feet or the heel of your boot to stomp on the ground above the tunnel, applying enough pressure to collapse it.
  3. For a more aggressive approach, carefully use an explosive to destroy the tunnel (ensure proper safety precautions and follow local regulations).

After the tunnel is collapsed, level the soil and tamp it down firmly to create a flat surface. Regularly monitor the area for new gopher holes and repeat the process if needed.

How do I permanently get rid of gophers?

Gophers are rodents that live underground and can be found throughout the United States. They’re known to cause damage to lawns and gardens, as well as create holes in your yard. If you have a gopher problem, you may want to remove them permanently so they don’t come back again.

This article aims to teach you how to get rid of gophers for good!

How do I permanently get rid of gophers

Planting Gopher Repellent Plants

Now that you know how to eliminate gophers, let’s talk about what plants will repel them. The best way to keep gophers away from your garden is by planting repellent plants that they don’t like. Some of these include:

  • Garlic (Allium sativum)
  • Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
  • Mints such as catnip (Nepeta cataria), peppermint (Mentha piperita), and sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)

Remove Food Sources

The most effective way to get rid of gophers is by removing their food sources. The first step is knowing what gophers eat and how they get their nutrition.

Remove Food Sources

Gophers are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants or plant matter (like nuts). They do not eat meat or animal products like dairy products or eggs–they only consume plant-based foods such as roots, stems, and leaves of various plants. If you have a garden full of vegetables or flowers growing in your yard, then it’s likely that you’ve already got some tasty morsels lying around for these pests!

Using Mothballs

Mothballs are a great way to get rid of gophers. Mothballs are made from naphthalene, which is toxic to gophers and other animals. The smell of the mothballs will keep them away from your garden, but you must use them correctly so that they work effectively.

Using Mothballs

Here’s how:

  1. Place the mothballs in a plastic bag and place them where you want the gophers gone (in their tunnels).
  2. If possible, put some dirt on top of the bagged-up mothballs so they can’t get out easily when digging underground; this will help ensure that they stay trapped inside until they die!

Smoking the Tunnels

Smoking the tunnels is a great way to eliminate gophers, but you must do it right. It can be very effective only if you use the right materials and follow proper safety precautions.

First, you need to get some smoke sticks (smoke bombs). These are available at most hardware stores and online retailers like Amazon or eBay. You can also find them at local farmer’s markets in some areas where people sell their homemade goods–the ones made from dried grasses are best because they burn slowly and produce lots of smoke without producing any soot or ash that might clog up your pipes later on! Once your smoke sticks are ready, here’s what else needs doing.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is tunnel fill better than gopher goo?

Both tunnel fill and gopher goo can be effective in getting rid of gophers. Tunnel fill is a mixture of soil and gravel used to fill gopher tunnels. This can make it difficult for gophers to dig new tunnels and can force them to move elsewhere. On the other hand, gopher goo is a type of poison that can be used to kill gophers. However, it’s important to use gopher goo carefully and follow the instructions on the packaging to avoid harming other animals or pets.

Does flooding gopher holes work?

Flooding gopher holes can be a temporary solution to get rid of gophers. Flooding their tunnels can cause them to evacuate their burrows, but it won’t necessarily kill them. Additionally, flooding can only occur during certain times of the year when the ground is soft enough to allow water to penetrate the tunnels. It’s also important to note that flooding can damage your lawn or garden, so it should be done cautiously.

How do you stop gophers from coming back?

Prevention is key to stopping gophers from coming back. Some ways to prevent gophers from returning include:
Planting gopher repellent plants (such as garlic or mints)
Removing food sources (such as plants that gophers like to eat)
Installing physical barriers (such as underground fencing)
Using sonic devices that emit high-pitched sounds that deter gophers from entering your yard or garden.
It’s important to note that these methods may not be 100% effective, so monitoring your yard or garden regularly for signs of gopher activity and taking action as needed is important.


Effectively collapsing gopher tunnels are essential in managing and controlling these pesky rodents. Using various strategies such as flooding, manually collapsing tunnels, traps, and repellents, you can safeguard your lawn or garden from potential damage caused by gophers. Remember to consistently monitor for signs of gopher activity and apply these methods as needed. By taking a proactive approach to gopher control, you can maintain a healthy and thriving outdoor space free from the destructive effects of these burrowing nuisances. I hope this guide regarding how to collapse gopher tunnels helped.

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